Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dunia Berakhir 21.12.2012...benarkah?

Kumpulan-kumpulan terus hidup (survival groups) seluruh dunia bersiap sedia dan mengira ketibaannya satu tarikh yang misteri yang telah selama beribu ribu tahun menjangkakan sesuatu akan berlaku pada : Dec. 21, 2012.

Mereka yang mendakwa wahyu akan berlaku pada Dec. 21, 2012, berdasarkan kepercayaan mereka pada sekeping kalendar yang direka oleh kaum Mayans diMexico yang kehancurannya (gambar). Tamadun purba yang terkenal dalam kehebatan matematik dan astronomi yang maju.

DiSeluruh Amerika Syarikat, Kanada dan seluruh Eropah, mazhab-mazhab dan individu-individu yang mempercayai ramalan tersebut berkata bahawa itulah harinya dunia yang kita tahu akan berakhir, laporan-laporan

Mayan yang purba, dikenali sebagai ahli matematik dan astronomi yang sangat maju, mengikuti satu "kiraan panjang" kalendar yang berakhir dalam 5,126 tahun. Apabila carta-carta mereka diterjemahkan pada kalendar Gregory yang bertaraf antarabangsa yang digunakan hari ini, tarikh terakhirnya ialah pada Dec. 21, 2012.

Ahli-ahli saintis telah cuba untuk menghapuskan senario hari kiamat ini sebagai telekan yang tak berasas, tetapi ianya jelas dengan adanya beribu-ribu orang yang menganggap kemungkinan suatu bencana akan berlaku diseluruh dunia pada tarikh itu amatlah benar.

"Anda perlu faham, tiada apa-apa yang akan tinggal," Patrick Geryl memberitahu ABC News. "Kita terpaksa mulakan seluruh peradaban baru daripada akar semula." Geryl, seorang bekas pekerja makmal yang berumur 53 tahun dan tinggal di Belgium, dia telah berhenti kerja sejak dua tahun yang lepas setelah dapat menabung wang yang cukup untuk bertahan sehingga Disember 2012. Dia sekarang terus hidup dengan menyimpan bekalan yang dicatatkan dalam senarainya yang setebal 11 mukasurat.

Ianya bukan Geryl seorang sahaja yang mencari jawapannya. Yang mencari "2012 the end of the world" pada Google meningkat sehingga hampir 700,000 orang dalam carian kegemaran ramai. Lebih daripada 6,500 video mengenai tarikh tersebut telah diposkan di YouTube. Terdapat juga buku-buku yang tak terkira bilangannya mengenai topik tersebut, banyak yang diterbitkan dalam mengikuti kejayaan buku Daniel Pinchbeck "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl," yang telah menjual beribu-ribu naskah setiap bulan sejak ianya dikeluarkan pada akhir Mei.

2008: Berdozen ahli-ahli kultus hari kiamat Rusia (gambar) meninggalkan lobang sulit korekan bawah tanah dekat kampung Nikolskoe, Rusia, pada Mac, setelah bersembunyi didalam lobang tersebut selama kira-kira enam bulan. Yang lain-lain masih tidak balik, masih menunggu hari untuk dunia berakhir pada bulan Mei.

Tapi apakah yang difikirkan oleh penganut-penganut kepercayaan ini akan berlaku pada Dec. 21, 2012? Ada sesetengah orang berkata satu pembalikan kutub akan berlaku, di mana kutub utara menjadi selatan, di mana matahari akan timbul di barat, mencetuskan bencana pada alam sekitar diseluruh dunia. Ada sumber-sumber lain yang berkata, ianya tanda tarikh satu pembangkitan rohaniah akan berlaku seluruh dunia.

Pakar ketawakan kepercayaan ini. "Ramalan-ramalan takdir ini betul-betul tidak mempunyai sebarang asas dalam apa yang kita tahu mengenai Maya," kata Stephen Houston, seorang profesor antropologi di Brown University dan seorang pakar dalam tulisan hieroglif Maya. "Catatan-catatan Maya hampir tidak menceritakan tentang acara ini." Katanya Mayans melihat kalendar mereka berakhir pada tarikh tersebut, tetapi akan bermula semula tanpa ada apa-apa malapetaka.

"Betul-betul, ianya adalah satu penukaran kebimbangan orang-orang zaman ini, dan yang sesetengah mencari mitos lama untuk panduan atau ramalannya," katanya. "People like to believe that ancient wisdom is somehow predicting this time of upheaval."

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why 2012?

Will the world end in 2012? No, it won't.

Will there be a major cataclysm in 2012? Quite possibly.

Although this book concentrates on a potential global catastrophe at a random date within our immediate future, the ancient Mayan Long Count calendar is a powerful argument for that date being Dec 21, 2012.

2. The Mayan Calendar

The Maya

The Maya civilisation inhabited a region encompassing southern Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize & western Honduras, and flourished between the third and tenth centuries AD, but by 1200 AD their society had collapsed for reasons we can only guess at. When the Spanish conquistadors arrived, descendants still occupied the area, and still spoke the Mayan language, but were unaware of the cities their forefathers had created.

It wasn't until the late 18th century that explorers first investigated the dense Guatemalan rainforest and came across plazas, monoliths, temples and pyramids, each decorated with pictures and hieroglyphs. The ancient Maya had been keeping historical records - using a script which mixed ideographic and phonetic elements. Some of their writing still exists on stelae (stone monuments) that recount civil events and record their calendric and astronomical knowledge.

Spanish Conquest

Diego de Landa was a Spanish priest who visited Mexico on a charitable mission, became the Franciscan provincial of Yucatán in 1561 and is infamous for his destruction of priceless Maya documents and artefacts.

Although Landa was very interested in the Mayan culture, he abhorred certain aspects of their practices, particularly human sacrifice. In July 1562, when evidence of human sacrifice was found in a cave containing sacred Maya statues, a bout of religious self-righteousness saw Landa order the destruction of five thousand idols. He decided that their books were also the devil's work and saw to it that they were burned, with only three books surviving. Consequently the majority of Mayan knowledge and history was lost.

Yet despite his actions, we are also indebted to Landa for his acute and intelligent opus on Mayan life and religion, Relación de las cosas de Yucatán (1566), which remains the classical text on Mayan civilisation. This book, which was not printed until 1864, provided a phonetic alphabet that made it possible to decipher roughly one-third of the remaining Mayan hieroglyphs.

The most important of the surviving books was what is now called the Dresden Codex, named after the city where it was lodged. It is a strange book, inscribed with hieroglyphs, which no one understood until 1880. At that time Ernst FØrstemann, a German scholar who worked at the same Dresden library, managed to crack the code of the Mayan calendar making it possible for other academics to translate the many dated inscriptions found on buildings, stelae and other ancient Mayan artefacts.

He discovered that the Codex contained detailed astrological tables, which calculated the year to be 365.2420 days long, more accurate than the Julian calendar that we use today. The tables were used exclusively by the Mayan astronomers to predict the solstices and equinoxes, the path of the planets in our solar system, the cycles of Venus and Mars, and other celestial phenomena.

Other information we have today has been gleaned from the Popol Vuh and Chilam Balam - books written just after the Spanish arrived. The knowledge found in these books and codices, combined with the uncovering of mysterious pyramids, demonstrate that the Maya had knowledge to rival the Greeks and Egyptians.

Mayan Calendar

The life of the Maya revolved around the concept of time. Priests were consulted on civil, agricultural and religious matters, and their advice would be derived from readings of the sacred calendars. Time was of such importance that children were even named after the date on which they were born.

Maya math uses only three symbols - a shell-shaped glyph for zero, a dot for one and a bar for five to represent units from zero to 19. For instance, the number 13 was represented as three dots and two bars.

Zero was an advanced concept in those days, something that the Romans were not aware of. Yet the Maya were comfortable enough with it to use a shell as its symbol, a tangible object representing an abstract concept. The Maya also used metrical calculation and place numeration, which were very clever for a culture that didn't use the wheel!

Although they had many calendars, they marked the passage of time with three cycles that ran in parallel.

The first is the scared calendar known as the Tzolkin. It combines the numbers from 1 through 13 with a sequence of 20 day-names. It works in a similar manner to our named days of the week, and their date within each month. So you might have 5-Chikchan (like our Sunday the 5th) followed by 6-Kimi (as we would have Monday the 6th). After 260 days the same number/name combination will re-occur, and the calendar starts anew. Their use of the vigesimal (base 20) numbering system probably relates to fingers and toes, whereas the 13 nicely fits the growth phase of the moon which isn't visible when new and appears full for two days on end, thus appearing to have a 13 day growth cycle. Alternatively, the length of the Tzolkin may be related to the human gestation period of nine months (273 days). It has been suggested that 260 days is the time between a woman suspecting her pregnancy (she doesn't menstruate) and when she gives birth.

The second is the agricultural calendar known as the Haab, or vague year. It consists of 18 months, each of 20 days. An addition of a five-day month (a period of apprehension and bad luck named Uayeb) gives us 365 days, an approximation of a year. This calendar's primary purpose was to keep track of the seasons, for seasonal and solar events would occur on roughly the same day of each year. The Maya were aware of the annual quarter day discrepancy, but it is not known if they ever did anything about it.

These two independently running calendars each begin again every 260 and 360+5 days. However, every 52 years they coincide:

"The Tzolkin and the Haab ran concurrently, like intermeshed cog-wheels, and to return to any given date, 52 years, or 18,980 days, would have to elapse (because both 365 x 52 and 260 x 73 = 18,980). In other words, the Tzolkin would make 73 revolutions and the Haab 52, so that every 52 calendar years of 365 days one would return to the same date. A complete date in this 52-year cycle might be, for example, 2 1k 0 Pop (2 1k being the position of the day in the Tzolkin, 0 Pop the position in the Haab). Fifty-two years would pass before another 2 1k 0 Pop date returned.

It was expected that the world would end at the completion of a 52-year cycle. At this time, among the Mexica in the Valley of Mexico, all fires were extinguished, pregnant women were locked up lest they be turned into wild animals, children were pinched to keep them awake so that they would not turn into mice, and all pottery was broken in preparation for the end of the world. In the event the gods decided to grant man another 52 years of life on earth, however, a night time ceremony was held in which the populace followed the priests through the darkness over a causeway to the top of an old extinct volcano that rises abruptly from the floor of the basin of Mexico, known today as the Hill of the Star, the hill above Ixtapalapa. There, with all eyes on the stars, they awaited the passage of the Pleiades across the center of the heavens, which would announce the continuation of the world for another 52 years. When the precise moment came, a victim was quickly sacrificed by making a single gash in his chest and extracting the still palpitating heart. In the gory cavity the priests, with a fire drill, kindled a new flame that was quickly carried by torches across the lake to the temple in Tenochititlan, and from there to all temples and villages around the lake. This was known as the New Fire Ceremony among the Mexica, and in some way this same completion and renewal of each 52-year cycle was recognized by all Mesoamericans.

This is not unlike how the end of the last millennium may have felt for many Christians or doomsday cult followers.

Our modern Western calendar was first introduced in Europe in 1582. It was based upon the Gregorian calendar, which calculated the Earth's orbit to take 365.25 days. This was 0.0003 of a day per year too much, but still exceptionally accurate for scientists living over 400 years ago.

The Mayan calendars were derived from those of their predecessors, the Olmec, whose culture dates back at least 3,000 years. Without the instruments of 16th century Europe, these Central American locals managed to calculate a solar year of 365.2420 days, just 0.0002 of a day short. More accurate than the Europeans, and much earlier. It is not known if the Olmecs created the Long Count calendar, or if they received it from an even earlier civilisation...

The Long Count

A Mayan date utilises three calendars. The third calendar, known as the "long count", is a continuous record of days that starts over every 5000 years or so. The current Long Count began in 3114 BC. And it will end very soon.

A typical Mayan date looks like this:, 3 Cimi 4 Zotz

4 Zotz is the Haab date.

3 Cimi is the Tzolkin date. is the Long Count date.

The basic unit is the kin (day), which is the last component of the Long Count. Going from right to left the remaining components are:

* unial........1 unial = 20 kin = 20 days
* tun..........1 tun = 18 unial = 360 days = approx. 1 year
* katun.......1 katun = 20 tun = 7,200 days = approx. 20 years
* baktun.....1 baktun = 20 katun = 144,000 days = approx. 394 years

The kin, tun, and katun are numbered from 0 to 19.

The unial are numbered from 0 to 17.

The baktun are numbered from 1 to 13.

The Long Count is a great cycle of 13 baktuns (roughly 5,126 years), where the use of 13 may again represent the growth of the moon from new to full. The current cycle began on 4 Ahau 8 Cumku which correlates to Aug. 13, 3114 BC.

In Mayan mythology each Long Count cycle is a world age in which the gods attempt to create pious and subservient creatures.

The First Age began with the creation of the Earth, and it had upon it vegetation and living beings. Unfortunately, because they lacked speech, the birds and animals were unable to pay homage to the gods and were destroyed. In the Second and Third Ages the gods created humans of mud and then wood, but these also failed to please and were wiped out. We are currently in the Fourth and Final Age, the age of the modern, fully functional human. Is it possible that these Ages referred to evolutionary change? If they did, then what might occur when the current age finishes on December 21, 2012?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


To see is this real or not I really dunno about this, but when I come to think of it. It sure make sense to me when I see the changes of the world that has been made naturally. Think this climate change is one of the issue. Okay probably you will say because of Carbon Monoxide or dioxide but what about all those earthquakes happened recently?

I don't know you notice or not, but earthquakes is quite active back in this few years. Before China's earthquake happend, there is a small one at Indonesia. Then after the China's one, my place got a slight earth movement . So what is this? Last time we dont use to see earthquake happen this frequentl

About the pole shifting, new studies say that the pole HAS shift more then 50 degrees. (here)
How scary is that. But i sure wont argue about this that the pole wont suddenly shift rapidly in the year 2012. But if it does, the rotation of the earth will be very very different.

Then about the Mayan's calender, I found this entry on wikipedia.
Susan Milbrath, Curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology , Florida Museum of Natural History, quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.
"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in." (Quoted in USA Today, Wednesday, March 28, 2007, p. 11D.)

Muslims only

What is your opinion regarding 21.12.2012 Doomsday??

According to the Mayans, 21.12.2012 is the end of their Mayan calendar, PLUS the end of the universe (i.e., Doomsday of course).
Ironically, this date (as shown above) falls on Friday, on which we Muslims also believe that Doomsday will occur on Friday, no doubt.
So, guys & gals (who are Muslims), I want to know what's your opinion regarding this 21.12.2012 Doomsday.
And for your information, in fact, out of all of the tribes around the world, the Mayans are the only tribe members who are good astronomers & are famous for making such successful prophecies such as the moon eclipse & the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (if I'm not mistaken).

Black Hole

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) merupakan makmal terbesar yang berbentuk jaringan pipa yang kuat dan panjangnya mencapai 27 kilometer atau disebut Mesin Super Collider.

Eksperimen yang dilakukan di Laboratorium CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) yang terletak di Swiss (perbatasan Swiss dan Perancis) ini dikuatiri akan menimbulkan bahaya dan boleh memusnahkan dunia, iaitu terbentuknya Lubang Hitam ( black hole ) di Bumi.

Eksperimen ini ditentang hebat oleh semua lapisan mayarakat kerana kesannya kepada alam. Video di bawah menunjukkan tentang kemusnahan secara besar – besaran pada permukaan bumi dan kemungkinan terjadinya Lubang Hitam di Bumi. Dalam video itu digambarkan Lubang Hitam akan menghisap Bumi yang berawal di laboratorium CERN.

Ramai para saintis di Amerika Syarikat menghalang agar projek itu segera dihentikan untuk keselamatan dunia. Akibat daripada aktiviti yang berbahaya yang dihasilkan oleh mesin itu. ( Mesin Super Collider), iaitu berubahnya struktur partikel tanah yang dapat terjadinya Lubang Hitam mini (subatomic Black Holes) di Bumi.

Hal itu bererti, secara perlahan kawasan di sekitarnya akan musnah dan semakin meluas dan merebak ke seluruh Bumi. Disebutkan pula bahawa Lubang Hitam kecil yang dihasilkan eksperimen itu dapat bertambah besar karena menerima tenaga hingga menjadi cukup besar untuk menghisap seluruh tanah. Dengan kata lain, kemusnahan yang besar akan berlaku yang sudah pasti datangnya itu akan terjadi akibat perbuatan manusia itu sendiri.

Perintah untuk menghentikan projek itu diadili di Wilayah Amerika yang terletak diHawai ini diajukan pada bulan Mac 2008 lalu. Beberapa ilmuwan Amerika meminta keputusan pengadilan untuk menghentikan eksperimen LHC. Apabila pembantahan dalam menjalankan projek itu berjaya, maka projek yang bernilai 8 juta dolar AS itu akan dihentikan serta merta.

Semua itu adalah cadangan bantahan yang dibuat oleh Dr. Otto E. Rossler dari Universiti Tubingen di Jerman merasa khuatir dengan kemungkinan bahaya itu.

Pendapat itu disokong oleh sekumpulan ahli fizik yang dikenali sebagai “The Committee for Elementary Particle (KET)” di Jerman yang menulis laporannya bahawa eksperimen particle accelerator perlu dihentikan serta merta.

“Tidak ada dasarnya LHC akan menghasilkan Lubang Hitam yang dapat menghisap tanah,” bunyi laporan KET.

Data ujikaji yang diberikan kepada Dewan CERN dalam pertemuan Jun 2008. Dewan CERN terdiri dari 20 wakil pemerintah negara-negara anggota CERN. Laporan itu juga diperiksa secara terperinci oleh The Scientific Policy Committee (SPC), yang terdiri dari 20 ilmuwan terkenal yang pernah menjadi pemenang Nobel.

“Laporan menunjukkan bahwa LHC akan selamat,”kata Jos Engelen, pemimpin ilmuwan CERN. ”LHC sudah melaksanakan eksperimen ratusan ribu projek. Ternyata planet ini masih tetap ada,” katanya penuh percaya diri.

Andaikan eksperimen dijalankan, mungkinkah manusia dapat mencipta Lubang Hitam yang akan melenyapkan Bumi dari angkasa.



Pada tarikh tersebut berlaku suatu peristiwa yang paling dahsyat yang belum pernah dialami manusia sebelum ini. Pada hari tersebut segala yang ada di cakerawala seperti bulan, bintang dan planet bertembung antara satu sama lain. Jeritan manusia - manusia yang menjerit ketakutan serta kesakitan kedengaran di setiap sudut, haiwan – haiwan juga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk menyelamatkan diri dari bencana yang dahsyat itu. Tidak lama peristiwa itu berlaku bumi berkecai dan hancur lantas bertukar menjadi debu yang berterbangan. Mungkin tidak ada seorang pun yang hidup atas bencana tersebut.

Itulah gambaran yang diramalkan akan berlaku pada tarikh 21.12.2012. Persoalannya adalah, siapa yang membuat ramalan tersebut sehinggakan ianya begitu terkenal sehingga sekarang dan dapat menarik minat para saintis dan cendekiawan untuk menyiasat serta ingin merungkai ramalan tersebut?

Itulah yang ramalan yang dibuat oleh suku kaum yang bernama suku kaum Maya yang tinggal di bumi Mexico. Suku kaum tersebut telah lama wujud dan amat terkenal dengan bidang astronomi, kejuruteraan dan sebagainya.
Ramalan yang dibuat oleh kaum Maya ini menjadi perhatian ramai kerana mereka memang terkenal dengan kepakaran yang mereka miliki itu iaitu dari segi bidang astronomi
Suatu ketika dahulu pun pernah timbul ramalan yang bumi akan binasa disebabkan ais yang berada di kutub semakin mencair akibat pemanasan global, dan tidak kurang juga yang membuat andaian bahawa gunung berapi yang terletak di Yellowstone, Amerika Syarikat akan meletus dan mengeluarkan lahar itu yang dapat mengakibatkan bencana alam yang amat dahsyat.

Namun bagi umat Islam, kiamat bukanlah suatu yang boleh diramalkan. Ini berdasarkan firman Allah s.w.t di dalam Al-Quran yang menegaskan bahawa tidak ada seorang pun yang boleh meramalkan bila berlakunya peristiwa kiamat meskipun mereka itu adalah dari kalangan insan – insan terpilih yang diangkat darjatnya menjadi Nabi dan Rasul.



Siapa sebenarnya Nostradamus
Merupakan seorang peramal yang terkenal dengan buku yang dikarangnya dikatakan sebagai keramat. Dilahirkan pada 14 Disember 1503 di St. Remy de Provence,Perancis dan meninggal dunia pada 2 Julai 1566. Orang yang taksub dan fanatic tentang ramalannya menggelar beliau sebagai peramal kemusnahan kerana kebanyakan ramalan yang dibuat oleh beliau berceritakan tentang kemusnahan, dan kematian.
Buku-buku yang dikarang oleh beliau memang terkenal di seluruh dunia dan yang paling popular hanya sebuah sahaja iaitu bukunya yang bernama The Prophecies yang dikarang sendiri oleh beliau. Ada pembaca yang mungkin taksub dengan ramalan itu membuat artikel dan mengaitkan ramalan beliau itu dengan setiap peristiwa yang berlaku.
Tentang buku itu pula, ia mengandungi 942 Quatrain (quatrain = puisi 4 baris) yang disusun dalam setiap kategori yang dipanggil sebagai Century. Ianya ditulis dengan pelbagai bahasa antaranya Perancis, dan menggunakan bahasa istilah lain seperti bahasa latin, greek dan sebagainya. Penulisannya sukar difahami kerana ayat karangannya dikatakan terlalu berbunga – bunga dan agak menyukarkan apabila perkataan tertentu merujuk kepada seseorang dan nama tempat digantikan dengan istilah lain untuk para pembaca melakukan kajian sendiri. Buku itu mengandungi himpunan puisi dan seakan-akan bidalan melayu.
Ramalan yang dikaitkan dengan penulisan beliau.

Adolf Hitler

Kebangkitan Adolf Hitler dan tercetusnya perang dunia ke-2
Pada tahun 1938, seorang penulis bernama Max de Fontbrune telah menulis tentang peperangan yang akan berlaku diantara Jerman dan Perancis di dalam penulisannya berdasarkan kepada ramalan yang dibuat oleh Nostradamus. Di dalam penulisan yang dibuat oleh Fontbrune berdasarkan kepada ramalan Nostradamus itu, beliau juga menceritakan tentang Adolf Hitler adalah pencetus perang dunia ke-2 dan tentera nazi juga akan gagal di dalam misinya. Selepas tentera jerman berjaya menakluk perancis, buku penulisan Fontbrune dibakar dan secara tidak langsung ia memberikan sumbangan besar terhadap ramalan yang dibuat oleh Nostradamus itu.

Tragedi 11 September

Tragedi 11 September ini adalah peristiwa yang paling berharga di dalam sejarah Amerika yang dikaitkan dengan ramalan Nostradamus itu. Di dalam ramalan itu, ia mengatakan bahawa New York adalah tempatnya dan menara itu adalah mangsanya. Kesan daripada peristiwa itu Nostradamus juga meramalkan ada seseorang pemimpin berkuasa yang akan muncul dan penyebab berlakunya peperangan dan keganasan ( Siapa orang yang dikaitkan itu??????). yang menghairankan adalah selepas peristiwa itu berlaku baru ramalan itu terhegeh-hegeh dibongkarkan di dada akhbar dan tidak disiarkan sebelum bencana itu. baca sekadar suka-suka …. Boleh, tapi percaya…… jangan.